One of Provo’s guiding pillars is keeping our residents safe and sound. Provo’s new Fire Chief, Jeremy Headman, is the perfect model of that concept. His steady hand is now at the helm of the Provo City Fire Department, and his qualifications for the role come from a very long and impressive list of years of service to Provo.

Chief Jeremy Headman served as Deputy Chief for six years and most recently as Interim Chief just before his appointment to Fire Chief this year. But his career as a firefighter and EMT began almost thirty years ago, in 1995. Jeremy has held just about every position a firefighter can: paramedic, engineer, Station Captain, and Battalion Chief. Jeremy clearly brings a strong sense of understanding, loyalty, and dedication to his new city role.
Jeremy is a uniquely qualified leader in his ability to know personally the 81 full-time firefighters in Provo’s five stations, as well as his understanding of their demanding job. As Chief, Jeremy knows what makes the job of a firefighter so challenging and fulfilling–that they see people in their most difficult moments, offering in moments of tragedy the best that a firefighter can offer them.
As Chief Headman stresses, “It’s not so much about what firefighters do daily, but what they’re willing to do for someone experiencing their worst day.” Though they witness a lot of devastation, firefighters are in a role that can genuinely impact many lives. His appreciation, understanding, and ability to guide, train, teach, and relate to the firefighter’s role is unmatched.
Chief Headman is open about his love for the Fire Department, for Provo, and his strong commitment to leave Provo even better through his service than it is today. We’re so grateful to have him as a leader in our community. He most certainly makes Provo a safer—and better—place.