When my children were growing up, the local library was a significant part of our lives. Our weeks were highlighted by our regular trips to the library, returning home with bags of books that brought learning, joy, and a sense of enchantment into our home. We never missed a summer reading program, and my children quickly discovered the library to be a welcoming, safe haven where they were eager to spend time.

Today, as the Mayor, my appreciation and admiration for our local Provo Library has grown manifold. I hope you share my sense of awe when contemplating the countless resources, services, and opportunities our library offers to our community. The Provo Library is, without a doubt, a hidden gem, a treasure trove waiting to be discovered by all of us.
We all know the conventional services a library offers - books, reading programs, book sales, and author events. But at the Provo Library, this is just the starting point. The library goes above and beyond in providing a myriad of services, materials, and experiences designed to engage, educate, and entertain all who visit. Some of the lesser-known features of our library are truly impressive.
For instance, did you know the Provo Library hosts a basement creative lab, complete with a full audio-visual studio, green screen, and stop-motion animation? What an excellent resource for a school project or personal endeavor! The library also provides a plethora of equipment - Go Pros, telescopes, bicycle repair kits, and more - all available for check-out. The library also houses board games, video games, three escape rooms (perfect for a fun outing with friends!), and two art galleries. And these are just a few examples!
Our library is constantly evolving to support and nurture our community. Whether you need assistance with literacy learning, language learning, creative pursuits, or professional skill-building, there is a high likelihood that a resource awaits you at the library. With a dedicated and passionate staff to guide you, these opportunities are open to all. The library is also a fantastic space to connect with your community, thanks to book clubs, monthly craft clubs, Conversation Club, meeting rooms, and a diverse range of special interest programs.
On any given visit, you're guaranteed to find something engaging at the library. Explore the seed library, engage in play and learning with kids' toys, or take part in an 'anytime' craft session that you can undertake right in the library.
There is so much more to discover, and I encourage you to spend some time navigating through provolibrary.org. Here, you'll uncover the countless ways that the library can enrich your life. For more regular updates and outreach, follow the library on Instagram @provolibrary.
Finally, let's not forget: while the library offers so much more, it remains an unbeatable resource for books. My hope is that you'll make the most of this remarkable community asset. The Provo Library, with its endless offerings and its mission to serve the community, is truly one of the factors that makes Provo exceptional.