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Fall Cleanup 2021

Writer: MichelleMichelle

Updated: Oct 4, 2021

Ready to clear the garage of unwanted and never–used items? Need to dispose of the cut grass and tree trimmings that weigh down the black garbage cans? Take advantage of Provo’s annual Fall Cleanup!

Separate yard waste and metals and dispose of the material in dumpsters at six locations throughout the city from September 27 – November 6, Monday – Friday from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Dumpsters at the Compost Yard are available during the fall cleanup from Monday - Saturday from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Please do not dump after hours. Dumpsters will be closed nightly. It is unlawful to leave items on the ground. Illegal dumping costs thousands of dollars at the expense of Provo taxpayers and possible discontinuance of the program.


➤ September 27 – October 2 950 W 1280 N — Lions Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

➤ October 4 – October 9 2027 W 820 N — Pole Yard

1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

➤ October 11 - October 16 3850 N Canyon Road — Field 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

➤ October 18 – October 23 2620 N 1200 E — Rock Canyon Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

➤ October 25 – October 30 100 N Seven Peaks Blvd — Peaks Arena 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

➤ November 1 – November 6 1150 S 1350 W — Footprinters Park 1625 S Industrial Parkway — compost yard

Transfer Station

Provo residents may take trash directly to the South Utah Valley Solid Waste District transfer station (2450 W 400 South, Springville) free of charge (using the coupon in the City Newsletter) September 27 – November 6, during normal business hours, Monday – Saturday, 7:00 am to 6:00 pm. Cover loads to avoid a $4 tarp fee.

City Compost Yard

Depending on availability, organic compost will be on hand for purchase to residents at $3 per yard and to nonresidents at $6 per yard. Located at 1625 S Industrial Parkway in Provo and open Monday - Saturday from 7:00 am - 5:00 pm during Fall Cleanup. (After cleanup only open Friday-Saturday weather dependent.)

Unacceptable Items

Do not dispose of rocks, tires, concrete, tree stumps, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, or household hazardous waste such as pesticides in the dumpsters or at the transfer station. Call the Provo City Customer Service at 311 or 801-852-6000 or the transfer station at 801-489-3027 for information and questions about what is acceptable.

Leaf Bags

You can also find a Leaf Bag Coupon in the City Newsletter good for five free leaf bags that can be picked up at the Public Works Dept., 1377 S. 350 E. Leaf bags are collected curbside November through December.


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