I am excited to announce that construction on 500 West is substantially complete with all major work done and traffic control devices off the road!
Crews will continue final minor items and clean up through July. On behalf of Provo City, the Utah Department of Transportation, and Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction, we want to say thank you for your support and patience throughout this project.
To celebrate the completion of the project I invite you to join us on Saturday, July 17 from 9:00 AM until Noon for an all ages, family friendly event at North Park on 500 North and 500 West. See below for more details and the routes.

Project Recap
In addition to the full reconstruction of 500 West, the project replaced or upgraded several underground utility systems including gas, water, sewer and storm drain.
Based on input from you and your neighbors, the project added a number of safety features that include:
A 10-foot multi-use path on the east side of the road
6-foot sidewalks along the west side and painted bicycle lanes
Improved school crossing signals at 500 North and 300 South, raised medians at key intersections to reduce the potential for side-angle crashes
A new pedestrian signal and refuge island at 300 North
Upgraded street lighting
and bulb-outs at local street corners (700 North, 600 North, 400 North, and 200 South) to shorten the crossing distance and improve pedestrian safety.