I am excited to provide you with the latest update about the development of our soon-to-be iconic Regional Sports Park. Our vision of making Provo home to the second-largest planned sports complex in the nation is gradually taking form. You'll see the landscape change as sod is laid this spring and curbs are currently being constructed.

The latest and most exciting development? The inclusion of pickleball courts in our state-of-the-art facility, making us a beacon for this fastest-growing sport, both locally and nationwide. With $2.5 million of tourism grant support from our friends at Utah County, the goal of a regional Pickleball complex is in reach.
The existing $2.5 grant is contingent on an equal amount of private fundraising to activate this project. A private fundraising group, designated by the Provo Foundation, is looking for interested donors.
Working north to south on the overall regional sports park will result in 15 multipurpose fields available for play in Fall, 2024. Dates for Pickleball complex opening are dependent on successful community fundraising efforts—so calling on all Pickleball enthusiasts to spread the fundraising word!

This initiative, alongside the 21 multi-use fields and park amenities spread across 100 acres, will attract athletes and families from all corners of the country, further promoting our city on a national level. We do recognize the need for additional infrastructure, such as hotels and other support businesses, to fully cater to this influx of visitors and are working tirelessly to address this.
As a city that's home to 330 local teams who share just 11 existing fields, we were striving to meet our local sporting needs. This facility not only resolves that issue but also opens avenues for Provo to become a hub in the national youth sports and tournament industry, driving substantial economic benefits to our city.
The potential revenue from this sports complex is estimated to be an impressive $30-$40 million annually. However, we believe the ripple effects of this project, coupled with our new airport and additional support services, could amplify this even further.

The acquisition of 100 acres on our city's west side was made possible thanks to a federal grant and the staunch support of Utah County, pushing our vision closer to reality. This Regional Sports Park, a cornerstone of my "Big 6" visionary projects, stands as a testament to Provo's commitment to being welcoming, safe, economically vibrant, and forward-looking.
Sports tourism is a rapidly growing sector that's generating significant economic returns. By turning Provo into a coveted destination for sports tourists, we’re poised to benefit from this economic tide.
Take the example of St. George, a city that generates nearly $40 million in annual spending by hosting just six youth tournaments each year. We are confident that Provo can emulate and even surpass this success, boosting our local economy and enriching our recreational systems.
Thank you for joining me in this journey to elevate Provo. Your continued support fuels our endeavors to enhance our city's charm and appeal. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project!