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Provo's Sustainable Efforts in Action

Writer: MichelleMichelle

Provo City does not promote sustainability only to look good—we do it because it makes sense, both financially and morally. The more energy, water, and land we conserve, the more money we save our taxpayers. The more natural resources we save, the better life will be for our children. It’s our duty as public servants to do what’s right for our city and set an example. Sustainable living is a moral duty.

Check out Provo's sustainable efforts in action!

Tree Giveaway Program

NatureShade is a program provided by Provo City Power where eligible residential utility customers can apply for a free shade tree to plant on their property in Provo. When planted properly and at full growth, the trees can cast enough shade to keep energy costs down in the home.

In addition to the shade trees having potential of providing energy savings, there are long-term benefits for our community including carbon sequestration, and beautification of our homes and neighborhoods. Learn more here.

Gas Appliance Exchange and Rebate

Exchange your old gas-powered yard equipment for new electric or battery-powered equipment, and in return for your efforts to improve your community’s air quality, Provo City Power will chip in for the cost of your new equipment with a rebate, as follows:

  • Lawnmower: $300

  • Snow Blower: $300

  • String Trimmer: $50

  • Leaf Blower: $50

Visit for all the details and application instructions.

EV Stations

Provo City has installed EVCS (electric vehicle charging stations) at many our facilities. One at Provo City Hall, Provo Recreation Center, and the Provo City Library at Academy Square.

Recycling Program

Provo has a fantastic weekly curbside recycling program for those who want to have the convenience of simply dropping recyclables into a blue can and rolling it out to the curb. What could be more simple while doing your part to make a difference in keeping a friendly environment for your families? Not to mention, it is less expensive to recycle than it is to have extra black cans. More details here.


Yard waste recycling is a great way to keep heavy grass clippings, weeds, and yard trimmings out of the landfill and saves the city from having to pay more in tipping fees at the transfer station.

Yard waste recycling only costs $6.00/month for a green can, March - November, and you don't get charged at all for the green can during the winter months of December - February, plus you get to keep the discounted price for the black cans through the winter.

Participating in yard waste recycling is just three touches away on your phone by simply dialing 311 from anywhere in Provo. If you need to call from outside of Provo, our Customer Service number is 801-852-6000.

If you need to drop off large loads of yard waste or buy compost, the compost station is located at 1625 S Industrial Pkwy, here in Provo. The compost yard is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. March - November. (Special hours offered during Spring and Fall Cleanups.) Learn more here.

Water Conservation

The Provo City Water Supply Long Term Sustainability project received the maximum funding of $50 million for an aquifer storage recharge system, a project that will help maintain an adequate level of clean drinking water for the community.

Provo City is being waterwise—in the short term, by encouraging citizen water conservation; and in the long term, by emphasizing ground water storage, recycling, re-use, and other sustainable methods that reduce demand for new water, limit evaporation loses, protect water quality, and align with natural recharge.

Provo’s forward-looking approach to water management is being noticed nationally, as evidenced by the financial support Provo has received from FEMA. We are honored to receive the maximum grant funding—and consider it to be FEMA’s confidence in our water management efforts, meeting not only our community’s future needs, but those of the surrounding region. Learn more here.

Active Transport Infrastructure

Streets move people in many ways. Provo City recognizes the necessity of developing a safe, reliable, efficient, and integrated multi-modal transportation network that provides mobility and access for walking and riding. Transportation infrastructure should accommodate all street users, reduce negative environmental impacts, promote healthy living, and advance the well-being of residents and commuters.

More broadly, the shaping of cities begins with the design of streets, as a framework for development and as a public realm. In this way, streets are also critical to enhancing the attractiveness of Provo and fostering healthy economic development. Active transportation relies on quality, human-scaled public space with elements such as vibrant ground-floor land uses, street furniture, greenery, shade, and art. Learn more here.


One of my favorite things to do is explore Provo by walking and running through the beautiful trails we have here. The landscape here is gorgeous, surrounded by the mountains that are already starting to turn beautiful shades of yellow, orange, and red. I feel so blessed to live in a city with so many walks that are easily accessible. Check out our list of trails here.


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