Come rain or shine, Provo City provides garbage and yard waste collection service Monday – Thursday. Be sure to take your garbage can to the curb according to your regular schedule. During the weeks of major holidays, this service may be delayed one day depending on which day the holiday falls.

Holiday/Special Pick-up Schedule
For the 2022 schedule — Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving will be the only holidays the Sanitation Department will be closed. Garbage will be picked up one day late for those holidays. Below is the holiday sanitation schedule, which also includes yard waste collection beginning and ending dates, as well as spring and fall cleanup dates.

Garbage Pick-up Information
The best way to ensure your garbage is picked up is by following these tips:
Place cans on the side of the street by 6:00 AM on your scheduled day or, better yet, the night before. Remove cans from the curb within 24 hours after they have been emptied.
Keep cans away from parked vehicles, mail boxes and trees. Place cans 3’ apart and have plenty of clearance above cans.
Everything must fit inside the can so the lid will close. Dial 3-1-1 to schedule extra pickups.
When possible, bag the garbage that goes into the black cans.
Keep garbage out of green yard waste cans and blue recycling cans.
Be sure to look at Provo’s Interactive Map to find out your regular garbage/recycle pick-up day.
Dispose of Large Items
If it can be recycled, large bulky items like cardboard boxes can be broken down to fit into a curbside household recycling (blue) can. If you are not enrolled in the curbside recycling program, you can take the items to one of these drop-off recycling sites in Provo:
Kiwanis Park, 820 N 1100 East
Provo Compost Yard, 1625 S Industrial Parkway.The Provo Compost Yard is open March - November on Fridays and Saturdays from 7:00 AM until 5:00 PM (weather dependent).
There is no charge to use the bins at these sites. The bins are separated into sections for plastic, paper/cardboard, and metals.
Sometimes there is a need to take loads of waste to the transfer station. The South Utah Valley Solid Waste District is located at 2450 W 400 S, Springville, just to the west of I-15 off exit 260. Their phone number is (801) 489-3027.
For SUVSWD information including a “What to do with” reference, go to .