Come rain or shine, Provo City Sanitation provides garbage, recycling, and yard waste collection service Monday – Thursday. Be sure to take your cans to the curb according to your regular schedule. During the weeks of major holidays, this service may be delayed one day depending on which day the holiday falls.

Holiday/Special Pick-up Schedule
For the 2023 schedule — Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be the only holidays the Sanitation Department will be closed. Garbage will be picked up one day late for those holidays. Below is the holiday sanitation schedule, which also includes yard waste collection beginning and ending dates, as well as spring and fall cleanup dates. For more details about sanitation services please visit

Garbage Pick-up Information
The best way to ensure your garbage is picked up is by following these tips:
Place cans on the side of the street by 6:00 AM on your scheduled day or, better yet, the night before. Remove cans from the curb within 24 hours after they have been emptied.
Keep cans away from parked vehicles, mail boxes and trees. Place cans 3’ apart and have plenty of clearance above cans.
Everything must fit inside the can so the lid will close. Dial 3-1-1 to schedule extra pickups.
When possible, bag the garbage that goes into the black cans.
Keep garbage out of green yard waste cans and blue recycling cans.
Be sure to look at Provo’s Interactive Map to find out your regular garbage/recycle pick-up day.
Did you know you can save $12/month on garbage service when participating in recycling compared to the cost of having an additional black can? A friendly Customer Service representative can help you sign up for recycling by calling 311 or (801) 852-6000.
Each can (garbage, recycling, green waste) serves a different purpose and incorrect or contaminated materials in yard waste and recycling can end up costing the city more money.
Remember - when in doubt, throw it out!
The SUPER SIX IN THE BIN will help determine what should and shouldn't be recycled in your city recycling cans. If you have additional questions about recycling please call Customer Service at 311 or (801) 852-6000.

Glass Recycling
The dumpster for free glass recycling is located on the southeast corner of the Smith's parking lot/in the previous RC Willey parking lot at 100 West 300 North. There are dividers for clear, green and brown glass. Please rinse the containers before bringing them to the dumpster.
Yard Waste Recycling
Yard waste recycling is a great way to keep heavy grass clippings, weeds, and yard trimmings out of the landfill and saves the city from having to pay more in tipping fees at the transfer station.
Yard waste recycling only costs $6.00/month for a green can March - November, and you don't get charged at all for the green can during the winter months of December - February, plus you get to keep the discounted price for the black cans through the winter.
Participating in yard waste recycling is just three touches away on your phone by simply dialing 311 from anywhere in Provo. If you need to call from outside of Provo, our Customer Service number is 801-852-6000.
If you need to drop off large loads of yard waste or buy compost, the compost station is located at 1625 S Industrial Pkwy, here in Provo. The Compost Yard is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. March - November. (Special hours offered during Spring and Fall Cleanups.)
Other Recycling Options
Is your space limited for storing extra garbage containers? Do you live in a townhome or apartment that doesn’t have Provo City solid waste collection service? Or if that pesky, but necessary, budget really doesn’t allow you to have more than just basic service, there are other options you can take advantage of if you still want to recycle.
There is free recycling for the SUPER SIX IN THE BIN at:
Kiwanis Park – 820 N 1100 E
Compost Station – 1625 S Industrial Pkwy
Due to continued illegal dumping at Fort Utah Park, the recycling bins at that location have been removed.
Household Hazardous Waste
Do you wonder what to do with old computers, burned out fluorescent light bulbs, or old lawn fertilizer and pesticides? These hazardous waste items should not be placed in your garbage bins. These hazardous items need to be disposed of properly and should be taken to the South Utah Valley Solid Waste District's transfer station.
For more information on how to dispose of household hazardous waste visit the South Utah Valley Solid Waste District's webpage at and click on the "what to do with" tab.
Electronics Dumping: Provo residents will need to take these items to the South Utah Valley Solid Waste District transfer station in Springville, 2450 W 400 S.