Today is the LAST day to mail in your ballots!
Make sure you get yours postmarked by today. The post office is requesting you take it to the counter to ensure it is postmarked by November 5th to be counted in the election tomorrow. A secure drop box is also available today and tomorrow at the Provo City Center lobby for anyone wishing to hand deliver their completed mail-in ballot in the signed and sealed envelope.
If you don’t get your ballot mailed in today, visit this link for a list of voter service centers to vote in person! If you don’t have a ballot or have a problem with your ballot, you can visit the service center and cast a provisional ballot. (Bring a current ID or two items bearing your current address.) A drop box will also be available at the voter service center for anyone wishing to hand deliver their completed mail-in ballot in the signed and sealed envelope.
Visit VoteProvo.com if you have any questions about vote by mail, voter service centers, the Provo Police, Fire, and City Facilities Bond, and other important election questions.