It's my honor and privilege to share with you the remarkable achievements our city has garnered over the past year. In 2023, Provo continued to shine brightly on the national stage, receiving several top rankings that underscore our community's hard work, innovation, and spirit.
These recognitions aren't just accolades on paper; they reflect the vibrant life, robust economy, and outstanding quality of life we foster here in Provo. From being named the Best Performing City for the third consecutive year by the Milken Institute to our top rankings in worker satisfaction, economic growth, water quality, and more, each honor tells a story of a community that's thriving in every aspect.

#1 Best Performing City (For Third Consecutive Year!)
For the Milken Institute to recognize us for three straight years as the nation’s Best Performing City is a thrill and an honor. Our ranking was fostered by our strong five-year job and wage growth, along with a robust high-tech sector. Provo is home to several well-established high-tech companies and numerous tech startups, in addition to Brigham Young University, which offers stable employment to 4,000 Utahns. The award is data driven, based on metrics like job and wage growth. But behind our impressive metrics are the amazing people that make it all happen. It is they who should be most proud of this award. (Milken Institute; May 2023)
#1 City for Worker Satisfaction
We've always known that our beloved Provo is a special place to live, work, and enjoy life, but now, we have an official recognition that backs up our sentiment! According to Glassdoor, Provo has been ranked as the #1 City in America with the Most Satisfied Workers! This accolade highlights the diverse industries that thrive here, our robust economy, and the exceptional companies that choose Provo as their home. Above all, it is a nod to the work-life balance, employee fulfillment, and job satisfaction that are deeply ingrained in our local culture. (Glassdoor; May 2023)
#1 Boomtown in America
Provo has been named America's biggest boomtown in a comprehensive study by Checkr, which evaluated all 381 US metro areas, indicating rapid economic growth in our city. With an impressive Boomtown Score of 37, Provo stands out for its significant business increase and robust labor force growth. This distinction is more than a statistic; it symbolizes the hard work and vision of our residents and businesses. The thriving economy is creating numerous job opportunities, attracting professionals and investment, and promising a brighter future for Provo. (Checkr; August 2023)
#3 City with the Best Water
According to a study conducted by WaterFilterGuru, Provo has been ranked as the third-best city in the nation for drinking water! With this ranking, it's clear that Provo's drinking water is not only safe and clean, but it's also some of the least contaminated in the entire United States. Our city has also been recognized for having the fourth-lowest levels of chloroform and the fifth-lowest levels of bromodichloromethane among cities across the nation. This means that our residents are drinking some of the purest, healthiest water available. (Water Filter Guru, July 2023)
#5 Best-Run City in America
This ranking comes as a result of WalletHub’s extensive study of 149 of the largest U.S. cities, comparing their operating efficiency. Essentially, this is a measure of how well a city manages and spends public funds to provide quality services to its residents. Making it to the top five is no small feat. It is an affirmation of our collective hard work, resilience, and commitment to making Provo not just an efficient and well-managed city, but also a wonderful place that we are proud to call home. (WalletHub; June 2023)
One of the Best Cities To Live in America!
Provo has earned its reputation as one of America's best cities to live in, reflecting our efforts in nurturing a vibrant community, fostering a dynamic economy, and preserving natural beauty. Known for its spectacular mountainous setting and abundant recreational activities like hiking, biking, and skiing, Provo is also emerging as a tech hub within the Silicon Slopes, driving innovation and economic growth. Remarkably safe and with a low crime rate, our city is a haven for young families, attributing its success to the dedication and spirit of its residents. This recognition underscores our commitment to making Provo a city we're all proud to call home. (SmartAsset; November 2023)
One of the Top Cities in Utah for Millennials
Recently, Provo was recognized as one of the top cities in Utah for Millennials, according to a study by Smart Asset. The study revealed that we’ve seen a 6% increase in our millennial population. This is significant, as it reflects the appeal of Provo to a generation known for its pursuit of innovation, community engagement, and quality of life. Our goal is to continue making Provo a city that not only attracts but also retains a diverse population. This includes further investment in housing, education, public services, and infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of our community. (June 2023; Livability)
Visionary Digital Inclusion Trailblazer
For the fourth year running, Provo City has been named a 'Visionary Digital Inclusion Trailblazer,' a title that fills me with immense pride. Our city's dedication to digital inclusion is unwavering, as evident by the recent graduation of 46 adults from our ten-week computer class, a part of the 20-year-strong Digital Inclusion Program. This program, a collaborative effort supported by United Way of Utah County, Provo City, Google Fiber, Comcast, Provo School District, Head Start, Intuitive IT and community volunteers, is making a real difference in the lives of our residents. (December 2023; NDIA)